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R integration with Cytel’s products provides a highly efficient way to create custom adaptive clinical trial designs and enhance your simulation capabilities, without requiring you to develop an entire R code base.

The CyneRgy R package demonstrates the synergy between R and Cytel’s products such as East Horizon, providing tools, documentation, templates, and examples. It also offers a streamlined R experience in RStudio, simplifying the creation of new custom scripts.

Getting Started

For a quick start, visit the Getting Started section. This guide covers the basics of integrating your R scripts with Cytel’s products, including detailed steps for accessing integration points, what input variables are available, what output variables are expected, and links to related templates and examples.

Examples and Templates

A variety of examples highlighting how R scripts can seamlessly integrate with Cytel’s simulation tools can be found in this package. Please see Examples Outline for a complete list of examples and their descriptions.

Each example directory provides:

  • An RStudio project file for setup.
  • A Description file detailing the example.
  • An R folder which contains the example R scripts.
  • A FillInTheBlankR folder which contains practice scripts with sections removed for hands-on learning.

Templates are available in the Templates directory, and exploratory, in-progress examples can be found in the Sandbox directory. Note that Sandbox examples are incomplete and untested.


The CyneRgy package also provides many built-in functions to facilitate the creation of your custom R scripts. For a complete list of available functions, see References.


Currently, this package is not officially released and is not available on CRAN. However, it may be installed directly from GitHub using the remotes package with the following code:

remotes::install_github( "Cytel-Inc/CyneRgy@main" )

You must have the remotes package to use the above command. To launch the examples, you will also need to have the rstudioapi package.