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Once CyneRgy is installed, you can load this example in RStudio with the following commands:

CyneRgy::RunExample( "RandomizeSubjects" )

Running the command above will load the RStudio project in RStudio.

RStudio Project File: RandomizeSubjects.Rproj

In the R directory of this example you will find the following R files:

  1. RandomizationSubjectsUsingUniformDistribution.R - Contains a function named RandomizationSubjectsUsingUniformDistribution to demonstrate the R code necessary for Example 1 as described below.

  2. RandomizationSubjectsUsingSampleFunctionInR.R - Contains a function named RandomizationSubjectsUsingSampleFunctionInR to demonstrate the R code necessary for Example 2 as described below.

  3. BlockRandomizationSubjectsUsingRPackage.R - Contains a function named BlockRandomizationSubjectsUsingRPackage to demonstrate the R code necessary for Example 3 as described below.

  4. LoadrandomizeR.R - This file is used to install the “randomizeR” package for execution of Block Randomization in R.

Example 1 - Randomize Subjects Usings Uniform Distribution

The R function named “RandomizationSubjectsUsingUniformDistribution” in the file randomly allots the subjects to either of two arms using Uniform Distribution.


  • We generate a random number from Uniform(0, 1). Save it as u.
  • Let p = Allocation fraction on control arm and 1 - p = Allocation fraction on treatment arm.
  • If u <= p then allot the subject to the control arm else allot the subject to treatment arm.
  • Make sure that Total sample size = Sample size on control + Sample size on treatment arm.

Example 2 - Randomize Subjects Using Sample Function

The R function named “RandomizationSubjectsUsingSampleFunctionInR” in the file makes use of Sample() function in R to randomly allot the patients on control and treatment arm.


  • Let p = Allocation fraction on control arm and 1 - p = Allocation fraction on treatment arm.
  • Compute Expected Sample size (rounded) for control and treatment arms using Allocation Fraction and Total sample size.
  • Randomly allot the indices to the control and treatment arms using the sample() function available in R.
  • Create a vector of zeroes of size = NumSub (Number of subjects) and then replace the zeroes by 1 for the Indices that correspond to treatment.

Example 3 - Randomize Subjects Using randomizeR Package

The function named “BlockRandomizationSubjectsUsingRPackage.R” in the file makes use of pbrPar() function from the “randomizeR” library to perform the Block randomization.


Imbalances between groups can be minimized in small sample–size studies by restricting the randomization procedure. Restricted randomization means applying randomization in a manner that helps ensure the desired proportions of treatment groups, beyond random chance, within defined groups of patients.

The permuted block technique randomizes patients into groups within a set of study participants, called a block. Treatment assignments within blocks are determined so that they are random in order but that the desired allocation proportions are achieved exactly within each block.